Monday 31 March 2014

Nur Fazura ghairah bercumbu sakan di KLIA?

Ini khabar yang datangnya dari wartawan yang sedang membuat liputan tragedi kehilangan pesawar MH370 yang berada di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) baru baru dan menyaksikan satu adegan drama seorang selebriti tempatan.

Bukan drama apa, menurut wartawan Malaysia Gazette ini beliau dan ramai petugas media lain ternampak seorang selebriti yang sakan melakukan adegan mesra bersama seorang lelaki persis sepasang kekasih yang sedang dilamun cinta.

“Sekali pandang persis aktres popular Nur Fazura bersama dengan seorang lelaki berkepala botak yang juga deejay popular dari Amerika Syarikat yang sebelum ini mereka mengakui sedang berkawan rapat,” tulis wartawan itu.

Wartawna itu turut menulis mengatakan yang pihak media tidak kisah jika sekadar melihat aksi orang bercinta namun apa yang dipaparkan mereka sedikit keterlaluan dan seakan tidak sensitif dengan orang sekeliling.

“Yang tidak faham kenapa mereka hingga suka sangat buat aksi over di khalayak ramai. Orang lain bercinta juga. Kalau setakat suap-suap makan, tak hairan pun”

“Tapi bila dah mesra lain macam sampai bercium, tangan masuk dalam baju, urut-urut belakang, lentuk kepala di bahu hingga malu pula nak tengok,” dedah wartawan itu lagi hari ini.

Menariknya, wartawan ini mendakwa para jurugambar sempat merakamkan aksi pasangan ini bermesra dan ianya menjadi rebutan untuk dilihat — bukan untuk disebarkan, tetapi untuk menghilangkan bosan buat sementara waktu. - Gambar hiasan

#MH370: Pendedahan mengejutkan isteri Kapten Zaharie kepada media asing

Menurut Daily Mail, Juruterbang pesawat MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu sebelum ini mengalami masalah rumah tangga, seperti yang didedahkan oleh keluarganya kepada Daily Mail.
Bercakap kepada media buat kali pertamanya semenjak insiden 8 Mac itu, isteri dan anak perempuan Kapten Zaharie berkata, juruterbang yang berusia 53 tahun itu terganggu sebelum kehilangan pesawat berkenaan.

Menurut Daily Mail:

Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah dalam proses ingin menceraikan isterinya. Beliau didakwa enggan menghadiri sesi kaunseling perkahwinan. Beliau banyak menghabiskan masa dengan simulator penerbangannya berbanding dengan keluarga.

Namun, tiada sebarang nota bunuh diri dan motif yang ditemui. Pihak berkuasa masih meneruskan siasatan terhadap latar belakang juruterbang itu.

Isterinya Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan memberitahu penyiasat bahawa dia telah berhenti bercakap dengan beliau pada minggu-minggu sebelum penerbangan berkenaan dan mengakui dia banyak menghabiskan masa bersendirian di dalam bilik simulator penerbangannya.

Sementara itu, Aishah Zaharie, 28, anak perempuan juruterbang berkata, dalam perbualan terakhir dengan ayahnya,

“dia bukan ayah yang saya kenali, dia seolah-olah terganggu”

Minggu yang lalu, Faizah dan Aishah bersama-sama dengan ahli-ahli keluarga yang lain telah disoalsiasat oleh polis.

Walaupun tingkah laku Kapten Zaharie itu tidak seperti biasa, keluarganya tetap yakin bahawa beliau tidak bersalah dalam hal ini.

Faizah Khan pada mulanya enggan menceritakan hal pergolakan rumah tangganya dan dia menolak dakwaan bahawa suaminya terlibat dalam kehilangan pesawat berkenaan.

“Ini tidak adil untuk menyalahkan suami saya!”

Walau bagaimanapun, sepanjang soalsiasat, beliau telah memberitahu polis bahawa Kapten Zaharie menjadi semakin terganggu di bulan-bulan sebelum penerbangan malang berkenaan.

“Saya dapati dia menjadi jauh dan sukar untuk difahami,” katanya.

Walaupun mereka tinggal di rumah yang sama, Zaharie banyak menghabiskan masa bersendirian berbanding dengan keluarga.

Apabila dia tidak bertugas, Zaharie banyak meluangkan masa dengan rakan-rakannya daripada bersama dengan keluarga.

Menurut Aishah pula, ayahnya bukan seperti biasa dan mendapati dia mudah marah.

Aishah mengakui, ayahnya ada bercakap mengenai masalah hubungan dia dengan ibunya dan dia merasakan tiada lagi jalan pendamaian yang boleh dilakukan. Dan ayahnya juga bertanya, bagaimana dia rasa jika ibu dan bapanya bercerai?

Aishah cuba memujuk ayahnya dengan menyarankannya merujuk kepada orang-orang tua yang arif tentang agama dan cuba memperbaiki hubungan mereka tetapi Zaharie menolak saranan tersebut.

Aishah menjelaskan kepada penyiasat dia tidak tahu jika ayahnya mempunyai wanita lain dalam kehidupannya.

Namun, Aishah tetap tidak percaya bahawa ayahnya sengaja dan membahayakan nyawa anak-anak kapal dan penumpang beliau. - DAILY MAIL

Masud Wad Gara-Gara Memuaskan Nafsu Dengan Timun

Seorang pelajar perempuan di sebuah sekolah vokasional Ningbo kafeteria dibeli jenis yang besar timun, kembali ke bilik tidur untuk melancap, orgasme akan datang tidak dapat mengawal emosi beliau, walaupun timun perlu lagi meneka tiba-tiba ... sukar untuk membayangkan kuasa beliau. 

Pelajar-pelajar perempuan tidak dapat menggunakan pelbagai kaedah untuk menghilangkan timun pecah. Sekolah meletakkan beliau ke hospital di Shanghai, kini masih dalam pembedahan. 

Acara ini disebabkan kebimbangan besar di sekolah-sekolah. Pengetua, naib pengetua, dan beberapa pengarah Gereja dan Jabatan Negara sekolah dibincangkan acara timun dan mengeluarkan arahan-arahan keselamatan: kita perlu memastikan kualiti timun mesti keras, permukaan mestilah lancar. 

Berhati-hati memeriksa, untuk membolehkan pelajar menggunakan dengan keyakinan dan ketenangan fikiran, dan mencegah insiden yang sama daripada berlaku lagi.


[3 Video] Kembar MH370 Di Temui Di Israel

SEMASA - Menurut laman Planes Potters iaitu laman yang menceritakan 1001 persoalan dan jawapan mengenai pesawat Maknanya pasti ada jawapan bagi merungkai misterikonspirasi pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 yang menjadi tanda tanya diseluruh dunia sejak 8 Mac 2014 lalu...

Saya begitu tidak sangka bahawa pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 iaitu pesawat jenis Boeing777-200 (9M-MRO) mempunyai kembar di Israel!!!! 

Menurut laman Planes Potters, iaitu laman yang menceritakan 1001 persoalan dan jawapan mengenai pesawat. Maknanya, pasti ada jawapan bagi merungkai misteri/konspirasi pesawat Malaysia Airlines MH370 yang menjadi tanda tanya diseluruh dunia sejak 8 Mac 2014 lalu.

THE ISRAELI TWIN - Why would Israel have a plane identical to the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in storage in Tel Aviv? The plane in this photo is Boeing 777 2H6(ER) first flown in July 1998, Construction No. 28416* (Original Reg. No. 9M-MRI), an identical twin of the missing plane, which was given a new registration number (N105GT) and flown to Israel in November 2013.

THE MISSING PLANE - A photo by Bernhard Ebner of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in Amsterdam, May 5, 2013. This plane, a Boeing 777-2H6(ER) with Construction No. 28420, Reg. No. 9M-MRO, was first flown on May 14, 2002, and delivered to Malaysia Airlines on May 31, 2002. It is thought to have crashed into the southern Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.
  • Sumber untuk data mengenai kembar 9M-MRO milik,N105GT-GA-Telesis-php
  • Sumber untuk data mengenai pesawat 9M-MRO yang hilang/didakwa terhempas di Lautan,9M-MRO-Malaysia-Airlines.php
ini pula adalah gambar kembar 9M-MRO (MH370) yang ditangkap semasa ianya 'disorok' di Tel Aviv, Israel pada Disember tahun lepas. Kembar pesawat telah hilang dari tempat asal sejurus selepas kehilangan MH370? Terdapat dakwaan bahawa ini adalah salah satu plot serangan pengganas (Plane Attack/911 Plot Attack) yang seterusnya. 

THE TWIN PLANE IN TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, DECEMBER 2013 - What are the Israelis doing with this retired Malaysia Airlines plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv? Could it be part of a false-flag terror plot in the making? Where is this plane today?


ICAO24: 75008F
SERIAL #: 28420
IN SERVICE: 05/14/2002 , #404
FLIGHT LOG: 53, 460 HRS; 7525 CYCLES

  • FLIGHT LOG 001 - 9M-MRO
  • FLIGHT LOG 002 - 9M-MRO
  • FLIGHT LOG 003- 9M-MRO
  • FLIGHT LOG 004 - 9M-MRO


The Malaysia Air 777 with Boeing serial number 28416 and registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013, and is now registered as N105GT. The aircraft was stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on October 4, 2013, and then on November 4, 2013, it was re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv. 

Hari pindah milik. Gambar ketika kembar MH370 sedang terbang ke Israel.
Taking off to its new home, picture (taken from several others) and text taken from link.

Note: The date in relation to above info.

petikan dari halaman forum 
Aéroport Tarbes-Lourdes-PyrénéesGA Telesis: Boeing 777-2H6(ER): N105GT: MSN 28416/155.189November 4, 2013 - link----------Posted 07 February 2014 - 06:31 PM 
Formerly Malaysia Airlines B777-2H6ER 9M-MRI cn 28416/155. Now GA Telesis N105GTWithdrawn from use 08-04-2013.Stored at Aéroport Tarbes-Lourdes-Pyrénées Tel Aviv for storage 04-11-2013  - link
The following I found at : and the relevant parts are translated from Hebrew usingGoogle Translate  
The picture shown is linked to this page, but wouldn't show.It can be found at-  link

Is this picture near its hangar? Note the identical blank tail scheme as pictured in the above photo. 
N105GT was 9M - MRI .From: Lightning under a cloud02.12.13 20:15 
777 of Malay, ended his life and came to dismantle examined theLightning under a cloud02.12.13 15:15 229 Views 
N105GT was 9M - MRI .Lightning under a cloudCurrent message <<02.12.13 20:15 173 Views 
Ended his life ? ? He was 15 ...idooriane02.12.13 23:03 272 Views  
777 converted cargo plane at Ben Gurion did not do IAILightning under a cloud04.12.13 22:43 146 Views  
First you took photography forbidden territory . Secondly the 777Noam S.12.05.13 08:24 175 Views 
Members of IAI teacher told me that this aircraft dismantlingLightning under a cloud12.05.13 08:42 140 Views
Namun rancangan jahat Israel ini dapat dihidu ramai:


Excellent discovery! Can you disclose how you were able to find the current locations of 9M-MRI (aka N105GT) and 9M-MRK. 9M-MRI is the one that GA Telesis registered as N105GT. See image below. 

Below image is GA Telesis fleet information showing the former Malaysian Air 9M-MRI manufacturer serial number 28416, registered as N105GT. 

Please share the source of your discovery! If Israel has either of these aircraft, expect another 911 attack soon!

Sumber dari laman BOLYN

  • According to reports from plane-spotters, Israel has an identical Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777-200 in storage in Tel Aviv since November 2013. The only visible difference between the missing plane and the one in Tel Aviv would be its serial number. What do the Israelis have planned with the twin Malaysia Airlines plane?
  • By using the twin aircraft they have in storage, the terror masterminds may have a sinister plan for the missing plane to seemingly reappear in a false-flag atrocity. Public awareness of the twin plane in Tel Aviv, therefore, could prevent the evil plot from going ahead. 
  • For more on the identical Malaysia plane in Tel Aviv see the latest entry, dated March 26, 2014, on my Q&A and Comment page.
  • Notes: The Malaysia Air 777 with Boeing serial number 28416 and registered as 9M-MRI was sold to GA Telesis, LLC of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on October 21, 2013, and is now registered as N105GT. The aircraft was stored at Tarbes Lourdes Pyrenees on October 4, 2013, and then on November 4, 2013, it was re-registered as N105GT and stored at Tel Aviv. 
  • *MSN 28416 OR 28418? - According to a press release from GA Telesis dated July 10, 2013, the Fort Lauderdale-based company announced that it had started the dismantling process "in the USA" for three Boeing aircraft, including one 777-200ER (TRENT 800) (MSN 28418) ex-Malaysia Airlines, the plane that was given a new registration number and flown to Tel Aviv. 
Rujuk sini:,N105GT-GA-Telesis-php
  • Abdol Moabery serves as the President and Chief Executive Officer of GA Telesis, LLC. Previously, Mr. Moabery served as Executive Vice President of Aviation Systems International, Inc., and as Director of Marketing and Sales at C-S Aviation Services, Inc. Both of Moabery's former companies were owned by George Soros. Therefore it is not unlikely that Soros owns a good part of GA Telesis, too.
C-S Aviation Services -

Aviation Systems International, Inc. - 

  • This information is very important because it fits neatly into the terror scenario presented by Israeli El Al "security expert" Issac Yeffet shortly after the Malaysian plane went missing. Yeffet suggested the missing plane had been hijacked to Iran and was being prepared for a terror attack. For the Israelis to have an identical plane in a hanger in Tel Aviv reveals why Yeffet presented such a scenario. He appears to have been setting the stage for a false-flag attack like 9-11, perhaps in Israel. If such an attack were to occur in Israel all the evidence would be in the hands of Israeli intelligence giving them complete control of the interpretation or narrative of the terror event.
"What happened to this aircraft, nobody knows. My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved. They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
Issac Yeffet, former El Al security expert to Times of Israel, March 17, 2014

World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden. 
Rupert Murdoch on Twitter, March 15, 2014

  • It is not Iranians, but Israeli agents and Zionist propagandists like Rupert Murdoch who are the real authors of false-flag terror plots involving airliners being flown into hi-rise towers. Arnon Milchan, for example, the Israeli Mossad operative-cum-film producer, made the Medusa Touch film in 1978, in which a 9-11 type attack is the climax of the film. Is there a nefarious plot in the works to use the missing Malaysian plane for such an attack?

The making of Milchan's Medusa Touch involved constructing models to simulate an aircraft striking a skyscraper.

  • With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.
  • “My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.” 
  • - "Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security" by Paul Alster, March 17, 2014
  • The disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 looks like something from a Batman movie plot - or a bad Israeli screenplay by Arnon Milchan and his business partner Rupert Murdoch. The missing plane is bound to turn up sooner or later. The hijackers - or Israeli computer hackers - didn't pull a fast turn to the west and make professional moves with the plane in order to simply drop it in the Indian Ocean. Or maybe they did. In any case, all of the events going on with the missing Boeing and the Ukrainian crisis look like the making of a perfect storm - or perhaps another false-flag terror spectacle like 9-11.
  • An Israel-based reporter named Paul Alster has an article on Murdoch's giving an Israeli prognosis about the missing Malaysian Boeing 777. The article is important because it suggests that the Israelis may be setting the stage for a false-flag event using the missing plane as a flying bomb. 
  • The article indicates that the Israelis may be projecting a planned terror scenario and are planting the idea in the public mind. The following article has comments from an Israeli El Al "security expert" that are very similar to comments tweeted by Rupert Murdoch the day before. Isn't it interesting that Rupert Murdoch and an Israeli airline security expert imagine the exact same fate for the missing Boeing? 
  1. Obama should call Chinese President following today's incident and say "we both have the problem of Muslim terrorism. Can we work together?"3:50 AM - 2 Mar 2014
  2. 777 crash confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China. Chance for US to make common cause, befriend China while Russia bullies.4:15 PM - 9 Mar 2014
  3. World seems transfixed by 777 disappearance. Maybe no crash but stolen, effectively hidden, perhaps in Northern Pakistan, like Bin Laden.2:23 AM - 15 Mar 2014
  4. 777. Still think this a reminder that US and China should be working more closely on Muslim extremist threat.2:26 AM - 15 Mar 2014
  • The Israeli comments in the article imagine a terror scenario like that described by Murdoch. It is important to note that the Israeli El Al "security expert" comes from the exact same groups (ICTS, El Al security, Menachem Atzmon, the Shin Bet and assorted Mossadniks), who projected the ideation of 9-11 (Murdoch’s "Lone Gunmen" pilot episode in 2000 and Arnon Milchan's Medusa Touch film in 1978) - and who were involved in the false-flag attacks of 9-11. 
  • This is exactly what the evidence I present in my Solving 9-11 books reveals about Israeli involvement in the false-flag terrorism of 9-11. The fact that the same people are now projecting the ideation that the Boeing 777 has been hijacked (perhaps by computer like in the "Lone Gunmen") and will be used in a terror attack needs to be taken very seriously.
  • The game is on. We need to be aware of the very real possibility that the plane may resurface, used as a weapon of terror. If so, the attack would probably be designed to be a false-flag provocation that can be used to initiate aggression against a targeted foe – such as the Islamic Republic of Iran. If enough people understand the evil game of deception the Israelis are up to, they won't be able to pull off another major terror spectacle - and get away with it. 
Here is the article by Paul Alster from
Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air securityBy Paul Alster, March 17, 2014 
HAIFA, Israel – Top Israeli defense officials have hurriedly put in place a confidential list of secret security measures in light of the baffling disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines jumbo jet that experts fear could become a weapon of mass destruction if in the wrong hands.
With no trace of Beijing-bound flight MH370 after nine days, one of several theories that has emerged is that the plane was hijacked to Iran, where it could be turned into a massive and devastating weapon. Two Iranian passengers are known to have been aboard, travelling on false passports. While Israeli officials did not confirm any suspicions regarding Iran, experts said it is not a stretch to point the finger at Israel's Middle East nemesis.
“My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved [in the disappearance of the plane],” Issac Yeffet, formerly a global security expert for Israel’s national airline El Al told today’s Times of Israel. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”
As the search continued to widen fruitlessly, Israeli security officials and aviation authorities, who have long feared a 9/11-style attack, conducted a security assessment and rapidly implemented a series of security measures. The only one reported publicly is that Israeli air traffic controllers will demand that incoming aircraft identify themselves earlier than has so far been the case, sources told
IDF officials aim to ensure an unthinkable repetition of the Twin Towers attack doesn’t happen in Tel Aviv, where the skyscraping triple Azrieli Towers rise high above the city. There's good reason to believe the three-tower commercial-residential-office complex is a coveted target of the Islamic Republic.
In a recent video simulation broadcast by Iranian state TV after the initial agreement with the international community on a reduction in Iran’s nuclear capability was signed, the Azrieli Towers were shown being blown up by Iranian missiles.
The Israeli media has speculated that if Iran played a part in the disappearance of the plane, it is all but certain the regime would not have been directly involved. It would likely instead act through a third party, using one of the many international terror organizations Iran sponsors and maintaining plausible deniability. Tehran would not want to jeopardize the easing of international sanctions and other gains made recently at the Geneva negotiations with the US and the P5+1.
The recent interception of a boatload of Iranian M-302 missiles headed for Israel’s enemies in the Gaza Strip or Sinai Peninsula has given rise to further speculation in Israel that Iran might be considering all manner of means to strike back after such an embarrassing and damaging loss.
“This would never have happened on an Israeli plane,” Yeffet said. “An El Al aircraft was hijacked for the first and last time in 1968. Since then, there has not been a single flight where security did not check every single name.”
Yeffet believes that the time consuming and often-criticized profiling of every passenger at Israeli airports would have picked up the Iranians travelling on false papers.
Most flights to and from Israel require check-in three hours before the advertised flight time and passengers are often faced with many questions (some personal) that some people take exception to. The fact remains though that the Israeli method seems to work and has, thus far, proved watertight.
“More security costs more money,” Menachem Yarden, a retired El Al pilot with more than 37 years experience told Fox “Few companies these days are making money because of increased costs and relatively low ticket prices. Especially in the U.S., spending more money on security and telling people to come 3 hours before the flight – even if their flight time is just one hour – it’s crazy. No-one would fly.”
Asked if air marshals - allegedly placed on every El Al plane - might have made a difference to flight MH370 if, as some believe, it has been hijacked, Yarden said, “As El Al pilots we didn’t know all the security measures [put in place]. Security is a separate matter [to piloting] and the fewer people that know about it, the more secure it is.”
Yarden said it is possible such a huge aircraft could have flown thousands of miles undetected.
“Yes. It is possible to fly as low as the pilot is able,” Yarden confirmed. “When you switch off the transponder no civil controller can see you. In 9/11 the pilots switched off the transponders and no one saw them. It is not like military radar which sends electromagnetic pulses that receives back the echo via antenna.”
“In this extraordinary case any theory might be the right theory,” Yarden concluded. “No one knows what’s happened.”


"Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370" by Debra Kamin, Times of Israel, March 16, 2014

"GA Telesis Continues to Provide Best-In-Class Component Support via Disassembly of Boeing 777-200ER, 767-200ER and 757-200ER," GA Telesis press release, July 10, 2013

"Is This a Secretly Taken Photo of the Plane Stored in Tel Aviv?", March 28, 2014

“Missing jet, Iranian threats, prompt Israel to tighten air security” by Paul Alster,, March 17, 2014

Anak Linda Rafar Menderita Penyakit Kronik? (4 Gambar)


Lama tak mendengar khabar mengenai bekas anggota kumpulan Elite, Linda Rafar selepas dia makin sibuk menguruskan keluarganya serta perniagaan spa yang dijalankan bersama adiknya, Diana di Seksyen 13, Shah Alam.

Namun, sekiranya pembaca mengikuti perkembangan terbaharu Linda di laman Instagramnya pasti menyedari bahawa masanya kini lebih banyak dihabiskan di sebuah hospital di Cheras.

Difahamkan, anak kedua Linda, Rezaimen Keifli yang merupakan anak hasil perkahwinan terdahulunya, kini sedang terlantar sakit akibat penyakit yang agak kronik.

Walau bagaimanapun, Linda tidak mendedahkan penyakit yang dihidapi anaknya ketika ditanya peminat di Instagram miliknya.

Diharapkan Linda sekeluarga tabah dengan ujian yang menimpa mereka kini dan semoga Rezaimen cepat sembuh dan boleh kembali bersekolah seperti kebiasaannya selepas ini.

Baca Ini: Ucapan Terakhir Anwar Ibrahim Sebelum Dipenjara.

Ucapan terakhir Anwar Ibrahim di Parlimen sebelum dipenjara – Sedih dan sayu apabila membaca ucapan perbahasan terakhir Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim di Parlimen sebelum menjalani hukuman penjara selama 5 tahun.

Bagaimanapun, semangat perjuangan politik tidak pernah luntur yang dimiliki Anwar harus dipuji termasuk juga kesetiaan isterinya, Datin Seri Wan Azizah.


Supermodel Paling Cantik Dan Menawan Di China ( 8 Gambar )

Wanita ini adalah supermodel tercantik di China. Kami rasa kecantikkan mampu mengalahkan si Tyra Bank yang tak ada la cantik sangat. Apa kata korang?

Wajah Terkini Waris Mahsuri ( 6 Gambar )

Ini adalah wajah terbaru keturunan ketujuh Mahsuri, Wan Aishah Nawawi. Wan Aishah masih nampak cantik walaupun mengenakan solekan tipis dan dia kini jua bertudung.

Dia berkahwin dengan jejaka pilihannya, Alee Tongyon kira-kira dua tahun lepas. Alee adalah seorang usahawan muda industri pelancongan. Alee merupakan rakan sekampung Wan Aishah sejak kecil.

Pasangan ini bagaimanapun mula rapat sejak Wan Aishah memasuki universiti dan mengikat tali pertunangan.

Wan Aishah, adalah anak sulung daripada dua beradik kepada pasangan Wan Nawawi Wan Hashim seorang pemandu tut-tut dan Sumaini Karim, pekerja hotel.

Genealogi :

Wan Agim
Wan Hakay
Wan Hussein
Wan Hasheen / Chern Yayee
Wan Nawawi / Suwan Yayee
Wan Aishah / Sirintra Yayee

Ibunya Wan Sumaini binti Karim / Sunee Doomlak juga keturunan Mahsuri.

Wan Aishah menjadi idola rakyat Malaysia sekitar awal 90-an apabila kisahnya berjaya dijejak Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia cawangan Kedah yang kemudian disusuli Ekspedisi Melawat Phuket anjuran majalah Al-Islam pada 1998.

Ketika itu Wan Aishah baru berusia 12 tahun. Sejak itu berita mengenai penemuan waris generasi ketujuh Mahsuri itu tersebar luas terutama di Thailand dan Malaysia.

Penemuan Wan Aishah menamatkan sumpah Mahsuri ke atas Pulau Langkawi yang menjadi padang jarak padang tekukur sejak tujuh keturunan Mahsuri yang silam.

Ekoran penemuan itu, Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad mengambil daya usaha menjadikan Wan Aishah sebagai anak angkat dan mengatur beberapa program berkaitan sejarah moyangnya Mahsuri di Malaysia.

Antara yang paling menarik ialah Minggu Pengisahan Mahsuri di Pulau Langkawi yang mendapat sambutan hangat pelancong dalam dan luar negara.

Wan Aishah pernah melanjutkan pelajaran di Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM) tetapi cuma untuk tempoh setahun dan kembali menyambung pelajarannya di University of Bangkok dalam jurusan komunikasi.


#MH370: PERAMPAS TIDUR LENA CAMPAK MUATAN KARGO KE LAUTAN HINDI DAN PENCARIAN DIHENTIKAN | Bukti paling haram jadah dalam sejarah menentukan sesebuah kapal terbang mengalami kemalangan jatuh ke laut. Inilah yang dikatakan haram jadah kelas satu.

Hanya dengan menemui pelet kayu dengan segera keputusan dibuat bahawa MH370 jatuh menjunam ke dalam laut kerana berlaku masalah dalam kabin.

Kalau kita punya saudara mara ada dalam MH370 itu, adakah kita akan menerima keputusan ini bulat-bulat?

Jika MH370 sebenarnya dirampas, Dengan hanya mencampakkan beberapa muatan kargo ke Lautan Hindi, perampas pesawat MH370 boleh tidur lena apabila pencarian ke atas mereka dihentikan.

MH370 diisytiharkan terjunam ke laut tanpa bukti serpihan badan pesawat.

Jika sekalipun serpihan badan persawat ditemui selepas ini, fikirkanlah mengapa selepas 17 hari baru ditemui. Tidakkah terfikir MH370 dileraikan dan bahagian pesawat di hanyutkan ke Lautan Hindi.

Lenalah kamu wahai perampas jahanam

Penerbangan MH370 yang hilang sejak 8 Mac lalu disahkan berakhir di sebuah kawasan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi.

Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang mengumumkan perkembangan terbaru ini kepada pemberita sebentar tadi berkata beliau telah dimaklumkan perkara ini oleh wakil Cawangan Siasatan Nahas Udara (AAIB) dari Britain.

Najib berkata pakar analisis data satelit Inmarsat, yang sebelum ini memberi anggaran lokasi pesawat itu di dua koridor utara dan selatan, merumuskan bahawa pesawat malang itu mengakhiri perjalanannya di tengah-tengah Lautan Hindi di barat bandaraya Perth, Australia.

"Ini merupakan lokasi terpencil, jauh dari mana-mana kawasan landasan.

"Dengan penuh rasa sedih dan kesal, saya ingin memaklumkan kepada anda, bahawa berdasarkan data baru ini, penerbangan MH370 telah berakhir di selatan Lautan Hindi," kata Najib.

Berikut adalah petikan dari sidang media Najib melalui Twitter..

"This evening I was briefed by representatives from the UK Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB)." #MH370

"Inmarsat, that provided the satellite data which indicated the northern & southern corridors,has performed further calculations"

"Based on their new analysis, Inmarsat & the AAIB concluded that the last position of #MH370 was in the middle of the Indian Ocean."

"With deep sadness and regret I must inform you that, according to this new data, flight #MH370 ended in the southern Indian Ocean."

"We will be holding a press conference tomorrow with further details."

"We share this information out of a commitment to openness & respect for the families, two principles guiding this investigation."

"@MAS have already spoken to the families of the passengers and crew to inform them of this development."

"I urge the media to respect their privacy, and to allow them the space they need at this difficult time." #MH370 - END -

Sementara itu, ahli keluarga penumpang yang terlibat telah menghadiri sesi taklimat tergempar malam ini, dan mereka dijangka akan diterbangkan dengan pesawat khas ke Australia, menurut Sky News.

Sumber yang dipetiknya berkata ahli keluarga yang terlibat akan dibawa terlebih dahulu ke Beijing sebelum diterbangkan ke Australia, setelah beberapa serpihan dipercayai milik pesawat MH370 dikesan di sebuah kawasan terpencil di selatan Lautan Hindi...

Six Important Facts You’re Not Being Told About Lost Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

There are some astonishing things you’re not being told about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the flight that simply vanished over the Gulf of Thailand with 239 people on board.

The mystery of the flight’s sudden and complete disappearance has even the world’s top air safety authorities baffled. “Air-safety and antiterror authorities on two continents appeared equally stumped about what direction the probe should take,” reports the Wall Street Journal.

WSJ goes on to report:

“For now, it seems simply inexplicable,” said Paul Hayes, director of safety and insurance at Ascend Worldwide, a British advisory and aviation data firm.

While investigators are baffled, the mainstream media isn’t telling you the whole story, either. So I’ve assembled this collection of facts that should raise serious questions in the minds of anyone following this situation.

• Fact #1: All Boeing 777 commercial jets are equipped with black box recorders that can survive any on-board explosion

No explosion from the plane itself can destroy the black box recorders. They are bomb-proof structures that hold digital recordings of cockpit conversations as well as detailed flight data and control surface data.

• Fact #2: All black box recorders transmit locator signals for at least 30 days after falling into the ocean

Yet the black box from this particular incident hasn’t been detected at all. That’s why investigators are having such trouble finding it. Normally, they only need to “home in” on the black box transmitter signal. But in this case, the absence of a signal means the black box itself — an object designed to survive powerful explosions — has either vanished, malfunctioned or been obliterated by some powerful force beyond the worst fears of aircraft design engineers.

• Fact #3: Many parts of destroyed aircraft are naturally bouyant and will float in water

In past cases of aircraft destroyed over the ocean or crashing into the ocean, debris has always been spotted floating on the surface of the water. That’s because — as you may recall from the safety briefing you’ve learned to ignore — “your seat cushion may be used as a flotation device.”

Yes, seat cushions float. So do many other non-metallic aircraft parts. If Flight 370 was brought down by an explosion of some sort, there would be massive debris floating on the ocean, and that debris would not be difficult to spot. The fact that it has not yet been spotted only adds to the mystery of how Flight 370 appears to have literally vanished from the face of the Earth.

• Fact #4: If a missile destroyed Flight 370, the missile would have left a radar signature

One theory currently circulating on the ‘net is that a missile brought down the airliner, somehow blasting the aircraft and all its contents to “smithereens” — which means very tiny pieces of matter that are undetectable as debris.

The problem with this theory is that there exists no known ground-to-air or air-to-air missile with such a capability. All known missiles generate tremendous debris when they explode on target. Both the missile and the debris produce very large radar signatures which would be easily visible to both military vessels and air traffic authorities.

• Fact #5: The location of the aircraft when it vanished is not a mystery

Air traffic controllers have full details of almost exactly where the aircraft was at the moment it vanished. They know the location, elevation and airspeed — three pieces of information which can readily be used to estimate the likely location of debris.

Remember: air safety investigators are not stupid people. They’ve seen mid-air explosions before, and they know how debris falls. There is already a substantial data set of airline explosions and crashes from which investigators can make well-educated guesses about where debris should be found. And yet, even armed with all this experience and information, they remain totally baffled on what happened to Flight 370.

• Fact #6: If Flight 370 was hijacked, it would not have vanished from radar

Hijacking an airplane does not cause it to simply vanish from radar. Even if transponders are disabled on the aircraft, ground radar can still readily track the location of the aircraft using so-called “passive” radar (classic ground-based radar systems that emit a signal and monitor its reflection).

Thus, the theory that the flight was hijacked makes no sense whatsoever. When planes are hijacked, they do not magically vanish from radar.


Fesyen menarik Shila Amzah pakai baju blous dan legging ketika menyanyi di China. Penampilan Shila Amzah dalam satu program hiburan di China dengan fesyen berbeza iaitu memakai baju blous dan legging menarik perhatian ramai peminatnya.

Mungkin ianya disebabkan jarang atau tidak pernah ada artis Malaysia menggayakan baju blous dan legging dengan memakai tudung ketika menyanyi. Satu fesyen baru yang amat berbeza tetapi Shila kelihatan sangat cantik dan jelita.

Lagi empat keping gambar menarik Shila Amzah pakai baju blous dan legging untuk tatapan peminat yang amat merindui kehebatan nyanyiannya di Malaysia. - billyinfo


KEMATIAN ARIEL SHARON PETANDA DATANGNYA ISA AL-MASIH KATA RAHIB BESAR YAHUDI | Baru-baru ini Ariel Sharon bekas Perdana Menteri Israel yakni pengganas yang telah membunuh ramai orang Arab dan orang Islam semasa hayatnya telah mati kerana sakit setelah hampir 8 tahun menderita diatas katil (ketika umur 85 tahun).

Berita kematiannya dijadikan pesta oleh seluruh umat Islam terutamanya orang Arab yang mengetahui siapa Ariel ini.

Walaupun Si “butcher” ini dianggap pembunuh oleh orang Arab dan orang Islam tetapi amat disanjung oleh orang Israel.

PANAS !! Akaun twitter Maria, anak ketua pramugara digantung...

Akaun twitter kepada anak perempuan ketua pramugara MH370, Maira Elizabeth Nari, baru-baru ini digantung dan menyebabkan ramai peminatnya hampa.

Punca sebenar akaun lama Maira dengan nama @Gorgxous digantung tidak pula diketahui namun jangan risau kerana beliau sudahpun mewujudkan satu akaun baru yang menggunakan nama @MairaElizxbeth.

Ekoran daripada itu akaun baru tersebut sudah mempunyai lebih 2,000 peminat dan semakin meningkat secara mendadak setiap hari.

Sementara itu, menurut Maira statusnya sebagai orang biasa dan bukannya selebriti telah memudahkan untuknya menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari kalangan pengikut beliau di twitter berhubung tragedi pesawat MH370.

"I orang biasa je la. Makin kita membesar, makin kita mempelajari erti kehidupan. Saya mempunyai kelapangan sekarang. Sebab itu saya boleh menjawab mesej daripada setiap peminat."

MH370 : Buat pertama kali, anak sulung Kapten Zaharie meluahkan kata-kata berikutan kehilangan pesawat yang masih kekal misteri

MH370 : Buat pertama kali, anak sulung Kapten Zaharie meluahkan kata-kata berikutan kehilangan pesawat yang masih kekal misteri | “Fitnah itu lebih teruk daripada membunuh. Saya tidak akan memaafkan anda,” kata Aishah, 28, anak sulung kepada Kapten Zaharie Ahmad Shah dalam facebooknya (FB) semalam. Kata-kata itu jelas menunjukkan kemarahan dan kekecewaan selepas portal berita luar negara, Daily Mail menyiarkan kenyataan 35 perenggan penjelasan Aishah dan ibunya, Faizah Khanum Mustafa Khan ketika disoal pegawai penyiasat berikutan kehilangan penerbangan MH370. Aishah juga menulis dalam FBnya: “Anda sepatutnya mempertimbangkan membuat filem kerana anda begitu baik dalam membuat cerita dan skrip. Semoga Tuhan merahmati kamu.” Ini adalah kali pertama Aishah yang belajar di Australia itu membuat kenyataan terbuka selepas 23 hari pesawat berkenaan hilang. Selain itu, laman Facebook ‘Friends Of Captain Zaharie MH370’ turut menyelar laporan Daily Mail itu.

Laman berkenaan mendakwa anak lelaki juruterbang berkenaan melahirkan rasa kecewa dan sedih dengan laporan yang dianggap tidak bertanggungjawab itu. Laman itu juga mendakwa laporan terbabit adalah bohong dan mempertikaikan sumber kenyataan itu diperoleh. FB itu dilihat menerima hampir 100 komen dan 200 likes yang hampir semuanya menyelar tindakan media berkenaan yang didakwa melaporkan berita palsu. Mereka juga menyarankan Aishah mengheret portal berita Britain itu di mahkamah. Portal itu kelmarin menyebut Aishah dalam soal siasat itu sebagai berkata, ayahnya seolah-olah terganggu dan mudah marah serta bukan ayah yang dia kenali sebelum kehilangan pesawat berkenaan. Aishah juga dilaporkan berkata, ayahnya juga ada bercakap mengenai masalah hubungan dengan ibunya.

Bagaimanapun, Aishah cuba memujuk ayahnya dengan menyarankannya merujuk kepada orang tua yang arif mengenai agama. Laporan itu juga berkata, Aishah menjelaskan kepada pegawai penyiasat dia tidak tahu jika ayahnya mempunyai wanita lain namun menolak kemungkinan ayahnya sengaja membahayakan nyawa anak kapal dan penumpang. Portal itu juga menyebut Zaharie dalam proses menceraikan isterinya dan banyak menghabiskan masa dengan simulator penerbangannya berbanding dengan keluarga. Portal itu juga memetik isteri Zaharie, Faizah sebagai berkata, tiada sebarang nota bunuh diri dan motif yang ditemui dan pihak berkuasa masih meneruskan siasatan terhadap latar belakang juruterbang itu. Dalam laporan itu juga, Faizah mendakwa Zaharie sudah berhenti bercakap dengannya pada minggu sebelum penerbangan berkenaan dan mengakui dia banyak menghabiskan masa bersendirian di dalam bilik simulator penerbangannya.

Portal itu berkata, Faizah menganggap adalah tidak adil menyalahkan suaminya. Bagaimanapun, sepanjang soal siasat, dia memberitahu polis suaminya menjadi semakin terganggu beberapa bulan sebelum penerbangan malang berkenaan. Sebelum ini media barat menyiarkan secara besar-besaran mengenai simulator milik juruterbang itu yang ada di sebuah bilik di rumahnya. Bagaimanapun, selepas diperiksa Biro Penyiasatan Persekutuan (FBI) mendapati tiada data meragukan dan simulator Zaharie hanya sebagai hobi. Malah kelmarin, Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi mengesahkan tiada bukti atau data mencurigakan yang boleh mengaitkan Zaharie sebagai bertanggungjawab terhadap kehilangan pesawat itu.-HM